[TYPO3-project-realty] Display all cities in Cityselector - even if empty with amount of Objekts

Oliver Klee typo3-german-02 at oliverklee.de
Tue Dec 16 11:31:16 CET 2008


Georg Rienzner schrieb:
> Is it right, that the language Pacages have to be installed on the
> server itselfe and this has nothing to do with TYPO3 or realty?

Yes, this is correct.

> I'm asking because my admin says that the packages are installed on the
> server, but the Error message is still there.

If you have SSH access to the server, you can list all installed locales
using this command:

locale -a

> Furthermore in the listview the Objects of all languages are shown. So
> every Object is listed twice - once in Standard Language and once in the
> second languge. Also in the cityselector the cities are shown for both
> language.
> Has this to do with the language package or is it a bug of the extension?

Actually, this is a missing feature. Localization of records currently
is not completely supported yet.

Would you be interested in sponsoring this feature?

Best regards,


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