[TYPO3-piwik] piwik_integration 3.4.8 and user_piwikintegration_ prefix

Mark Roemermann mark at nasaustralia.com.au
Mon Feb 20 06:17:31 CET 2012

Hi all, I've just upgraded piwik_integration to 3.4.8 on TYPO3 4.5.11 
LTS and noticed that the piwik page gives me the error:

Unsupported piwik_host
This version of EXT:piwikintegration just allows connections to the 
local installed Piwik, your piwik_host entry has to be 

Looking in adminer, I see that there are new tables prefixed with 
user_piwikintegration_ which seems to be releated to issue: 

I still have my data in the old tx_piwikintegration_ tables.  What's 
your reccommended fix?

1. dump and reload data under new names
2. edit piwik.ini to point back at old tables? (I don't mind the install 
tool alerts)
3. is there an upgrade script I missed to bring over old data?


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