[TYPO3-l10nmgr] Status of v4

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Wed Oct 12 10:31:29 CEST 2011

Hi Tolleiv,

> Sorry saw that one too late - v4 is not a fail attempt at all.
> AOE is using it for a couple of years already. The problem is that we
> started before extbase was even born and that we used our own mvc.
> So far we haven't found new sponsors to migrate it over to extbase.
> The benefits of v4 are decribed in one of the podcasts (from 2009). In
> short - especially the heavily refactored structure and the large amount
> of unittests make v4 more than relevant.

Thanks for your answer. It does come too late though. I have started 
making patches for the current trunk instead. Anyway v4 was not usable 
for me since it relies on a not-public version of AOE's MVC framework.

I understand that it's not a failed attempt, but it seems to be locked 
in some kind of dead-end for now. It would seem like a shame to pursue 
the actual v4 now that there's Extbase, but I understand that it's no 
easy task and that it would require some sponsoring (or at least a show 
of more interest from the community; I must admit myself that it's the 
first time I use l10nmgr at all). I would love to see l10nmgr refactored 
(working with the actual code base hurts my eyes and my brain), but I 
have no idea whether we're going to use this tool more intensively in 
the future or not, and so whether there's any interest from us to dip 
more than a toe in it for now.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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