[TYPO3-formidable] differences between formidable revisions

JéŽrô™me Schneider j.schneider at ameos.com
Fri Sep 24 09:45:52 CEST 2010

Hi there,

These are three different versions:
   * 2.0.484: (formidable website): the latest Branch 2 of Formidable
   * 1.1.373: (repo): the currently published version of Formidable
   * 1.0.183: (formidable website): an outdated version, I'll change 
this right away

Some notes about version numbering:
   * first number: indicates major branch of the extension; branch 2 is 
actively developped; branch 1 is feature-freezed and maintained
   * second number: minor version of the extension
   * third number: SVN revision this version has been built from

Both branches 1 and 2 are stored inside the same SVN repository, thus 
are sharing the same sequence of revision numbers.
This might lead to a Branch 2 version being 2.0.505 and a Branch 1 
version (built a bit later) being 1.1.506

To sum things up:
   * third number (SVN rev) makes sens only inside the same branch
   * the version 1.0.183 is not the latest anymore an formidable website 
will be updated accordingly,
   * Formidable Branch 2 is about to replace Branch 1 in the typo3 
repository. Problem is, as of today, we cannot serve simultaneously 
different versions of the same extension to the public.

I hope this clears things a bit,
Have a shiny day !

Jerome Schneider

Le 24/09/10 06:44, Domi Garms a écrit :
> Goood Morning Formidable-Team,
> I just had a look into the typo3 repository and found a formidable
> version of 1.1.373, but on the http://formidable.typo3.ug site there
> are two revisions, one 2.0.484 and one 1.0.183. Im a bit confused,
> which one should I use for a new project? What are the differences
> between the versions?
> Have a good day,
> Domi

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