[TYPO3-formidable] Caching problem with renderlet:LISTER

Leo Bossmann leo at sprinkesnirg.de
Wed May 12 19:40:33 CEST 2010

Hi all,

i am currently experiencing weird problems concerning renderlet:LISTER and caching. The Lister is cached if only the first page of records to be listed is shown. That means that if I use the pager to display following pages, the lister is not cached anymore although it is called with a cachehash in the url.

In order to verify this I have created a simple lister (XML included below) that has one column displaying the current server time (with php's time() function). I included it through the FORMIDABLE cObj (cached) Plugin.

When I call the page without URL parameters (e.g. http://localhost/index.php?id=13) caching works just fine, when reloading the page the time column does not change.

When using the pager (e.g. http://localhost/index.php?id=13&myform[myform.mylist][page]=2&cHash=6bce7c4435) caching does not work at all, everytime I reload the page the time column changes as well.

My setup is: Typo3 4.3.3, Formidable 2.0.421

Is this the normal behavior of a cached lister? Can anybody confirm this behavior?

Thanks in advance


I used following XML for testing purposes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<formidable version="2.0.421" xmlns:renderlet="http://formidable.typo3.ug/xmlns/2.0.421/renderlet">
		<name>New FML file</name>
		<form formid="myform"/>
			<datasource:DB name="pages">
					SELECT * from pages WHERE deleted=0 and hidden=0
		<renderlet:LISTER name="mylist" cachehash="true">
			<datasource use="pages" />
				<column name="time" type="renderlet:BOX" listHeader="Time">
								return time();
				<column name="title" type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Page title" />
				<column name="crdate" type="renderlet:DATE" listHeader="CR date">
						<datetime format="%d %B %Y" />

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