[TYPO3-project-formidable] Accent marks problem with Ajax

Sanosuke303 sanosuke303 at yahoo.fr
Fri Jan 30 17:52:59 CET 2009

Hi list!
I have a problem with accent marks, but only when I use Ajax function.
If I put data in a listbox for example, with <data><userobj><php>, I haven't any problem.

But if I put data in a listbox with an ajax event, accent marks appear with  the char ->  è instead of the accent marks "è".

So, the problem come with ajax request.

I have the same problem if I put accent mark in a TextBox and then I make an insert query with an Ajax event to put TextBox value in DB. So, the accent is not correct.

I work with formidable branch 1 (1.0.183).

Thank's for your help.

Best regards,

Anthony Laplane
Eureka Market Consulting


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