[TYPO3-project-formidable] Can't update rtd:TEXT field value when using userobj for value

Andres Toomsalu andres at active.ee
Mon Jan 26 13:38:12 CET 2009


I'm trying to use renderlet:TEXT with value filled with php userobj - 
but I'm then unable to change the value with form field. After form 
submit it still submits userobj value not the one on the form field. Is 
it intentional or is it bug? Any workarounds?

<renderlet:TEXT name="reTime1" label="LLL:reTime">
       <data defaultvalue="00:00">

                                                        $fieldStr = 'Hello';
                                                        return $fieldStr;


Best regards,
Andres Toomsalu, andres at active.ee

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