[TYPO3-project-formidable] TINYMCE / Captcha: Own refresh image /

Jerome Schneider typo3dev at ameos.com
Wed Feb 25 10:04:34 CET 2009

Hi there,

To define your own refresh image for a captcha, you have do declare a 
renderlet:IMAGE and place an event on it (where my-captcha is your 
captcha renderlet)

   <onclick runat="client">

         return $this->aORenderlets["my-captcha"]->majixReload();


Jerome Schneider

Hauke Hain a écrit :
> Hello,
> now I am first using Fomridable an the reference is really, really great 
> and helpful. Thanks for that!
> But it is still not completed, so I habe a question:
> Is it possible to change the refresh image?
> It is never a good idea to change files within an extension, so I am 
> looking for a configuration possibility where I can put the path to the 
> image in.
> One further question: Is it possible to replace the descriptions of the 
> MCE buttons?
> If JavaScript is off, the user gets an Textfield. That is ok, but why 
> are not the width and height applied?
> How can I change this?
> Is there already a Formidable validator available which checks that no 
> HTML is written by the user and / or by TINYMCE besides from some 
> allowed Tags like <strong> <i> <b> <br> <p> ?
> Happy coding,
> Hauke

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