[TYPO3-project-formidable] TINYMCE / Captcha: Own refresh image /

Hauke Hain newgrp at googlemail.com
Fri Feb 20 23:46:07 CET 2009


I found out how to change the refresh image:

Pretty simple and as I thought it must be.

I found a new bug / missing feature:
The above code returns exactly the given Text.

I will have a look how to solve it. But maybe someone has already a 

On top of that I found out how to solve the following:
> If JavaScript is off, the user gets an Textfield. That is ok, but why are 
> not the width and height applied?
> How can I change this?

In file: class.tx_rdttinymce.php
Add the following line at the beginning of the function _render():
$aUserConfig = $this->_navConf("/config");

Find and replace
  if(is_array($aUserConfig = $this->_navConf("/config")) && 
!empty($aUserConfig)) {
  if(is_array($aUserConfig) && !empty($aUserConfig)) {

Now, find and replace
$sInput = "<textarea name=\"" . $this->_getElementHtmlName() . "\" id=\"" . 
$this->_getElementHtmlId() . "\" rows='2' cols='20'>" . $sValue . 
$sInput = "<textarea name=\"" . $this->_getElementHtmlName() . "\" id=\"" . 
$this->_getElementHtmlId() . "\" rows='2' cols='20' 
. $sValue . "</textarea>";

Now there are only these TinyMCE questions left:

> One further question: Is it possible to replace the descriptions of the 
> MCE buttons?
Would be interesting. All in all the TinyMCE hast to be customized 
(plugins-settings), so a copy of the MCE has to be saved in fileadmin, where 
an update of formidable does not override files. So the path to the MCE has 
to be editable. I will look for a solution and post it here. But feel free 
to post yours first!
> Is there already a Formidable validator available which checks that no 
> HTML is written by the user and / or by TINYMCE besides from some allowed 
> Tags like <strong> <i> <b> <br> <p> ?

As far as I know I have to write it by myself as a userObject.


PS: You may update the svn with these changes. 

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