[TYPO3-project-formidable] XML version check against installed version

Adrian Föder adrian at foeder.de
Fri Feb 20 19:25:48 CET 2009

Hi there @all,

I just ran into "indiscoverable non-functionality" when gambling with 
some examples from the web page.
The simple reason was: I didn't have the version installed that the 
example was made for. The required version stands in the root element 
"formidable", e.g.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<formidable version="2.0.296">


Wouldn't it be useful when the formidable engine throws a mayday or 
something like this when it discovers a version string newer then the 
installed one?

[AND: I'm, as you surely already noted, new to the project, so please 
excuse when there is a bugtracker available where such feature requests 
should better be posted or it has already been. The BT @ bugs.typo3.org 
has the project "formidable", but it seems a bit outdated and not really 

Thank you very much and
have a nice weekend!


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