[TYPO3-project-formidable] Hi community !!! using FX in renderlet:LISTER.

Loredana ZECA l.zeca at ameos.com
Sat May 10 23:55:42 CEST 2008


To do that, you must have two columns:
	- first one, which is displayed on the page load
	- second one, which will be hidden on the page load, but will be showed 
on when the user clicks on the first column

So you can try something like this:

<renderlet:LISTER name="mylister">
	<template path="template.html" subpart="###mylister###" 
alternateRows="###ROW###" />
	<datasource use="glossarylist" />
		<rows perpage="-1" />
		<column type="renderlet:BOX" mode="p" 	name="shortdescription" 
				Nullam blandit metus
			<onclick runat="client">

							array("duration" => 0.5)
		<column type="renderlet:BOX" mode="div" name="longdescription"
			activeListable="true" style="display: none;">
				Sed lacus. Donec lectus. Nullam pretium nibh ut turpis. Nam bibendum.
				In nulla tortor, elementum vel, tempor at, varius non, purus.
				Mauris vitae nisl nec metus placerat consectetuer. Lorem sed ipsum 
dolor sit amet nullam.
				Volutpat sed veroeros bibendum.

Hope that helps.

Nikitin S.M. a écrit :
> I found that it'll be very interesting and useful if it would be 
> possible to use majix->fx inside lister, for ex. we have a lister with a 
> big data in each row and using "toggleBlind" we could collapse or expand 
>    additional info in the lister, I think it will look wonderful, but I 
> can't find out how to get the instance of the inner object in the 
> LISTER, I tried to scan all the oForm structure but I fall down (((
> Best regards, Nikitin Sergey.

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