[TYPO3-project-formidable] Images embedded in lister? Inserting images doesn't work at all.

Bogdan Craciun bogdan.craciun at imiweb.ro
Fri Jul 11 13:02:03 CEST 2008

Hello, and thank you for your reply on yesterday.

I managed to create a basic lister, the datasource looks like this:


<datasource:DB name="articole">


                                                            SELECT * from




Then, I am using the following XML in order to obtain some output:


                        <renderlet:LISTER name="mylist" cachehash="true">

                                    <datasource use="articole" />


                                                <column name="uid"
type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Uid" />

                                                <column name="title"
type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Title" />

                                                <column name="category"
type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Category"/>








10.file.50.file < params.relwebpath

10.file.50.file.width = 100m





                                                <column name="bodytext"
type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Body text"/>




The problem is that I don't get any images at all. Let me explain a bit:

-          in my table (called "teste") I have a column called "photo" that
contains (only!) a filename (like "dog.jpg")

-          all of the images are stored in the folder fileadmin/temp_images

-          I want a table in which, and in each row, to have the
corresponding image for the respective entry (resized if possible, so they
all fit)


What is wrong in the code above? I know where all the pictures are, and for
each picture I have the filename. I've tried to use information from the
pastebin and some previous posts, but with no result :-(


Also, a very important thing! - if I use:






No image shows up! - only an empty <div>. I can't manage to insert even a
simple image, like above. What could be wrong? The image exists, of course.

Thank you very much for your time


Bogdan Craciun

Sef Departament Cercetare, Webprogramator


Telefon: 0723-086584, 0740-128347


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