[TYPO3-project-formidable] xmlbuilder and dynamic datasource (am I using the right)

Christian Ruppert typo3lists at cruppert.de
Tue Jul 8 12:51:32 CEST 2008

first of all, thanks, really a great library. And now my question, am I 
on the right track:

I want to do AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE in the XML file, and most of the 
configuration directly in the PHP. So I already discovered a way to 
include a datasource from PHP like this:

<datasource:PHPARRAY name="getPagesListData">

The obvious disadvantage of the approach above is: The name of the 
datasource is coded "hard" inside the XML. So, I want MORE....

My next idea, which work pretty good, is to use the xmlbuilder. So 
instead of creating 18 datasources (where I dont even know if I need 
them) i just include one XML buider and let the code generate the 

	return $this->_oParent->deliverDatasourceXML();


and in the PHP file
function deliverDatasourceXML() {
		return array(
			"datasource" => array	("type" => "PHPARRAY",

			"name" =>  "getPagesListData",
			"bindsto" => array("userobj" =>
			array("php" =>
			'return $this->_oParent->deliverDataSource("");


Sorry for the indent, it horrible but my reader has a 70 something limit..

Now my question: Does anybody know how to improve the ugly "passing the 
php as string for eval". See the last example, there is a array which 
has a string which points to the parent which executes a function. Is 
there a way to pass the data of the funtion directly to the datasource...

Or even a better question, how (or where) do I get Informations about 
the different options, all handlers, datasources and stuff. The wiki is 
ok, but not really a reference. And the API is more PHP focussed, not 
really all possible XML options. Or at least I dont find them...

Any tips welcome...


PS: Even if nobody answers, I think the examples above are quite useful 
for newbies. With a bit of tricks you can strip down the XML to a few 
lines, like this (not tested yet)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<formidable version="1.0.182">
		return $this->_oParent->deliverMetaXML('');

		return $this->_oParent->deliverControlXML('');

		return $this->_oParent->deliverElementsXML('');

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