[TYPO3-project-formidable] Validators on renderlet:LISTER

Manuel Rego Casasnovas mrego at igalia.com
Mon Jan 21 19:58:51 CET 2008


I'm trying to use a validator on a renderlet:LISTER in a
"activelistable" column however it doesn't work.

Example (XML config):
<column name="test" type="renderlet:TEXT" listHeader="Test">
      <required message="Test is required" />

For now, I'm making validations on my own methods, without use
FORMidable validators. Maybe it's difficult that columns on
renderlet:LISTER can use FORMidable standard validators.

Any idea?

Best regards,

Manuel Rego Casasnovas 
Computer Science Engineer 
mailto:mrego at igalia.com 
Tel: +34 986 10 76 10 
Fax: +34 981 91 39 49 
Igalia - http://www.igalia.com

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