[TYPO3-project-formidable] New method for the new template engine

Manuel Rego Casasnovas mrego at igalia.com
Tue Feb 5 13:08:15 CET 2008


I've developed a new method to call function number_format [1] from my

I only have to add the next lines to "tx_ameosformidable":
                        case "number_format": {
                                $number =
                                if (is_numeric($number)) {
                                        return number_format($number,
$aParams[0], $aParams[1], $aParams[2]);

                                return $mData;

And I can call this function in my template, e.g.:

But I have a problem when I try to pass params to my function. I can
pass params like ".", e.g.:
{my_rdt.number_format("0", ".", ".")}

However if I try to pass a param "," I get four params, two of them are
empty params, e.g.:
{my_rdt.number_format("0", ",", ".")}

I get a params array like array("0", "", "", ".").

I think that the problem is in the function "executeTemplateMethod",
when this function bulds the params array.

Best regards,

[1] http://es.php.net/number_format

Manuel Rego Casasnovas
Computer Science Engineer
mailto:mrego at igalia.com
Tel: +34 986 10 76 10
Fax: +34 981 91 39 49
Igalia - http://www.igalia.com

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