[TYPO3-project-formidable] Some features requests and "patches"

Tonni Aagesen goes.to at dev.null
Thu Jun 14 14:35:42 CEST 2007


As I submit form data to an external source, I need some functionality 
in formidable, which is currently not present. I hope you might consider 
these "patches" in the next release.

First issue:
The name attribute in generated form fields is assumed to be in the form 
"name=form_id[field_name]". If you leave the /meta/form/formid empty, 
the name attribute is then "name=[field_name]".

Patch in class.mainrenderlet.php line 527:
+ $sName = empty($this->oForm->formid) ? $sName : "[" . $sName . "]";

Second issue:
The form action URI cannot be set by userobj. I need this to set the URI 
based on some conditions.

Patch in class.mainrenderer.php line 112:
- $formaction = " action=\"" . $sAction . "\" ";
+ $sAction = @array_key_exists("userobj", $sAction) ? 
$this->oForm->_callUserObj($sAction) : $sAction;
+ $formaction = " action=\"" . $sAction . "\" ";

Tonni Aagesen
www.pil.dk & www.quickpay.dk

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