[TYPO3-project-formidable] Questions about new serchform-and-list concept

Jerome Schneider j.schneider at ameos.com
Mon Jul 23 10:14:07 CEST 2007

Hi Paweł,

1) Yes you can use majix to set values to blank in searchforms ; fields 
in searchforms are child-renderlets of the renderlet:SEARCHFORM, and 
they're available in $this->aORenderlets ( the array of renderlet 
Objects ) as all the other renderlets.

2) You"re right, there are sessions invloved in the process in 
renderlet:SEARCHFORM, as it offers a good mean to persist data accross 
page-refreshes. The counterpart is this stickyness of the search terms. 
For now I don't know how to handle the clearing of search data in the 
session ( I mean automatically and smartly )

Here's the problem:
The renderlet:LISTER uses plain <a>-links to navigate thru pages and 
sort records. So there's no post of data while changing page. And so the 
content of the searchform has to be kept in session.

A potential solution would be to add a search-criterias-key in each url, 
that will reuse criterias in session if key is present, and clean them 
if not.

What's your opinion ?


Paweł Bandura a écrit :
> Hi
> I'm testing new serchform&list concept and I've got two questions:
> 1) Can I use majixReplaceData() function in the SEARCHFORM renderlet? 
> I've added the name property to TEXT renderlet in my SEARCHFORM 
> renderlet to use that function, but it doesn't work. Or maybe someone 
> knows another way to clear search criterias?

> 2) Right, criterias. I've noticed that the serach criterias are stored 
> in session and when I come back to the page where I've searched 
> something before - they are still there. Is there a way to make the 
> searchform act like it'd used post method to pass the search criterias?
> My poppint is that clicking ie. the menu option whould bring me always 
> to empty serachform and full list.
> Best regards
> Paweł Bandura

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