[TYPO3-project-formidable] Fwd: conditional appearance & others questions

Aurélien Allienne allienna at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 15:13:02 CEST 2007


I begin with FORMidable and I think it's a great tools :)

But in my training, i have some questions with no responses :

First :
I have a RADIOBUTTON like this :
<renderlet:RADIOBUTTON name="access" label="Service :">
                                $res =
                                $aItems = array();
                                while($row =
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                                        $aItems[] = array(
                                                "caption" =>
                                                "value" => $row["uid"]
                                return $aItems;
                                <item caption="Autres" value="autres"/>

And I would like when a click on the "Autres"  RADIOBUTTON, a  checkbox will
be show. It's possible and how?

Then, I want to load some information for differents tables and show then in
a list. So i make a request on 2 tables and don't know how I can show the
result in a listener form.

Finally, I use the RAW attribute to make my treatment in the PHP class. But
how can I show a message to the user, like the required message ?


Aurélien Allienne

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