[TYPO3-project-formidable] Formidable How To Start

Luc Muller pompompom at ameos.com
Tue Feb 6 15:03:17 CET 2007

As I'm Seeing that more and more people are asking for information about how 
to start using formidable.
I just put this message here.

Basically those are the most useful things that will give you hints about 
formidable :
Formidable_by_ex : 
http://www.ameos.com/fileadmin/AMEOS/Typo3/documentation/manual_formidable_byex.pdf - 
-> In this document the main features of formidable are explained step by 

T3CON06 Demo  : 
http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/?tx_terfe_pi1%5Bview%5D=search&no_cache=1&tx_terfe_pi1%5Bsword%5D=formidable - 
-> this is a live and running exemple of what you can easily achieve with 
formidable. Of course It can do many more, but this will be a very good way 
to start your form management with formidable.

I Hope this will help you guys (and girls), of course this wasn't a way for 
us to "not answer your questions" I was just wanting to have a place where 
to easily find those two links.

Don't hesitate to ask if you got some more questions. And do not hesitate to 
participate, try implementing some renderlets or validators, this would be 
helpful for everyone ;)


Luc Muller 

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