[TYPO3-project-formidable] HOWTO get the cruser_id, .

FS fs.nospam1 at a-e-r.org
Fri Sep 22 10:08:16 CEST 2006

Hello Jérôme,

This seems to be the way modifying the value of an other renderlet  
from somewhere else.
Does this means that it could be possible to do for example the next  
thing :
- lets consider two LISTBOX renderlets : rendList1 and rendList2
- put in the <defaultvalue> of rendList1 a PHP code that sets the  
default value of rendList1 and the default value of rendList2 ?

Why doing this ?
If the defaultvalue of the two renderlets depends on more or less the  
same database query, this gives the possibility to only do once the  
sql query and set the default value of both renderlets.

Perhaps this is only possible for the value and not for the  
defaultvalue ?
But you have in the server events <onclick runat="server"when="after- 
init-datahandler">. Is it possible to tell when you access  
(when="after-init-datahandler") somewhere else than in a server event ?
Assemblée des Régions d'Europe

Le 21 sept. 06 à 19:52, Jerome Schneider a écrit :

> $this->aORenderlets["mypassthrurdt"]->setValue("SOMETHING ELSE");

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