[TYPO3-doc] Mentioning Github in Feedback section of each manual

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Thu Oct 16 15:06:18 CEST 2014

Hi all,

The switch to GitHub has been a major success in terms of user 
contributions to the TYPO3 CMS documentation. I guess we're not going 
back to the old way anytime soon. This means we should adapt the 
"Feedback" section found at the start of every manual (in the 
"Introduction" chapter).

Rather than mentioning Forge for issues, I would mention the Github 
issues list and - more importantly - encourage people to simply click on 
the "Edit me on GitHub" button and contribute.

While we are at it, I would also modify the chapter about the 
Documentation ML to point to the forum replication instead, as it makes 
it easier for new users to join.

So I would replace (example uses the TSref):

If you find a bug in this manual, please file an issue in this
manual's bug tracker:

Maintaining quality documentation is hard work and the Documentation
Team is always looking for volunteers. If you feel like helping please
join the documentation mailing list (typo3.projects.documentation on


If you find a bug in this manual, just hit the "Edit me on GitHub" 
button in the top right corner and submit a pull request via GitHub. 
Alternatively you can just file an issue using the bug tracker: 

Maintaining quality documentation is hard work and the Documentation
Team is always looking for volunteers. If you feel like helping please
join the documentation mailing list/forum




Francois Suter

Work: Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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