[TYPO3-doc] NEW: Now there's a VERSIONSWITCHER button

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Fri May 3 12:20:44 CEST 2013

Hi Jigal,

>Wow! This is really useful.


>I had to look on the page to find the switch. Maybe it's a suggestion to 
>move the options to the left below the title (in the gray area).

Next thing I'd like to to is to bring back the search option that
Sphinx normally has und which works very well. That will be a good
moment to rearrange some layout things.

>Only links to the same page would be enough for me. The index page can 
>always be reached by clicking on the title.

The problem is that direct links are only partly available.

>All versions should be listed.

Yes. The versionswitcher will list all versions it can find. The
task is to have all versions rendered.

>If a page does not exist in a version it could be displayed in a 
>different styling and not be linked. Then it's easy to see that a 
>certain feature doesn't exist for that particular version.

Yes, that would be good if there was only one column. But then we
would have no link at all to that version which is bad I think.

Usability: I'm trying to avoid surprises when you click a link and
to let you know beforehand what will happen. And I'm trying to
follow the "don't make me think" usability guideline. For example
we usually have a direct link but a link to the document start if
that's not available you have to pay attention to what will happen
and will still be surprised sometimes ...

>All in all a big step forward to have documentation related to certain 
>versions of a product! Thanks for building it.


Thank you for taking the time and your detailed feedback.


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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