[TYPO3-doc] NEW: Now there's a VERSIONSWITCHER button

Jigal van Hemert jigal.van.hemert at typo3.org
Fri May 3 10:27:54 CEST 2013


On 2-5-2013 23:46, Martin Bless wrote:
> I've just added a first implementation of a version switcher to
> our pages on http://docs.typo3.org.

Wow! This is really useful. This makes it possible for people to find 
documentation relevant for the version they are working with.

I had to look on the page to find the switch. Maybe it's a suggestion to 
move the options to the left below the title (in the gray area).
Only links to the same page would be enough for me. The index page can 
always be reached by clicking on the title.

All versions should be listed. This is useful if someone ends up on a 
page from a search engine or a published link; he/she can easily switch 
to the desired version.

If a page does not exist in a version it could be displayed in a 
different styling and not be linked. Then it's easy to see that a 
certain feature doesn't exist for that particular version.

All in all a big step forward to have documentation related to certain 
versions of a product! Thanks for building it.

Jigal van Hemert
TYPO3 CMS Core Team member

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