[TYPO3-doc] cross linking between different documentations

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Sat Jun 8 14:52:02 CEST 2013

Hi François,

>That being said I wonder if it's already possible to add one's own 
>Intersphinx mapping to a given manual.


>Martin, is that possible already?

Yes and no.

You can put the Intersphinx Mapping into your Settings.yml file
and use and define whatever you like to. But the drawback is at
the moment that you loose all those definition you had received
from the GlobalSettings.yml.

This happens because at the moment you can only completely
REDEFINE a setting. What we need is an additional "update"
functionality, that adds to or updates existing settings.

I should do that in "yamlsettings.py" or our "t3sphinx" Python
package. Everything below the key "conf.py" in our Yaml files will
REPLACE settings we already have.

There should be an additional key "MODIFY_conf.py" for those
definitions where we want to extend an existing list or modify an
existing associative array.

You are running into open doors here as I had that on my mind


Certified TYPO3 Integrator | TYPO3 Documentation Team Member


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