[TYPO3-doc] Using ReST/LaTeX/PDF for the "What's New slides"

Michael typo3ml at schams.net
Tue Aug 20 13:10:07 CEST 2013

Hi Xavier, hi everyone else,

I am in the middle of investigating options to use ReST as a foundation 
for the upcoming "TYPO3 CMS 6.2 - What's New" slides [1].

Martin Bless already provided me with a heap of information, tips and 
suggestions over the last three days (many thanks for that!). I managed 
to set up the complete rendering workflow on a fresh, clean Debian 7.1 
Wheezy server and I am able to convert ReST->HTML and ReST->LaTeX->PDF. 
Fantastic docu on our Wiki [2], by the way :-)

The main goal of the "What's New" slides is PDF format, so I have not 
worried about any HTML layouts/designs yet but have learnt LaTeX. The 
outcome of a few hours work with LaTeX, two books and uncountable Google 
searches is pretty impressive: a nice looking, TYPO3-branded demo 
presentation, based on the existing "What's New" slides:

20130820-typo3-demo-slides.pdf - http://db.tt/sb4VqCxm

The file size of the .tex source is only 7k, plus two, three images! I 
am aware of some minor issues and I am sure, when we create the "real" 
presentation, some more issues/challenges will come up.

Now I would like to find out how ReST->LaTeX work... in order to judge 
if this is practical and if our approach (creating the "What's New" 
slides with ReST) would work and really simplifies our work or slows us 

@Xavier: what do you recommend I should look at now? How does the 
current ReST->LaTeX->PDF worfklow work for "standard" documents? Slides 
are very, very different (I use the "Beamer" class)... do you see any 
problems with that?

In my opinion, it would be fantastic, if we manage to extend the 
existing ReST rendering workflow (and the RestTools) by "typo3slides" 
and I am happy to contribute to this.


[1] http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/documentation-whatsnew
[2] http://wiki.typo3.org/Rendering_reST_on_Linux

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