[TYPO3-doc] [reST migration] Finding a short name for each manual

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Fri Mar 30 12:12:46 CEST 2012

Hi all,

Another topic that came up during the discussions with Martin (Bless) is 
the need for a short identified for each manual. It should ideally be 
shorter than the current extension keys that we use, match what people 
use in daily work  (e.g. "tsref" for the TypoScript Reference) and be 
entirely alphanumeric (due to a limitation of Intersphinx for 
cross-linking keys).

These keys would be used:

- in the URLs for accessing the documentation
- in the names of the Git repositories (to help match keys and document 
- in the Intersphinx cross-linking labels


The TSref would have the key "tsref" (and not "doc_core_tsref").

This would give:
- URLs like: http://docs.typo3.org/typo3/tsref/...
- a Git repository like Documentation/TYPO3/tsref/TypoScriptReference.git
- Intersphinx key like "t3tsref" (Intersphinx keys would need to be 
prepended by another short code identifying the related product, so that 
we could also link, for example, to the future TSref of Phoenix)

Unless someone has a different, clever idea, this seems quite necessary. 
What we need to find out now is short names for each existing manual. 
This is needed quite quickly so that we can start getting the Git 
repositories prepared.

Here's a proposal put together by Martin and extended by me:

book_extbase_fluid    => ?
doc_core_api          => api
doc_core_cgl          => cgl
doc_core_inside       => inside
doc_core_services     => services
doc_core_skinning     => skinning
doc_core_tca          => tca
doc_core_ts           => ts (!)
doc_core_tsconfig     => tsconfig
doc_core_tsref        => tsref
doc_guide_install     => install
doc_guide_l10n        => l10n
doc_guide_security    => security
doc_tut_editors       => editors
doc_tut_quickstart    => quickstart
doc_tut_templating    => templating
doc_tut_ts45          => ts45

In essence this is just about keeping the last part of the extension 
key. Now "ts" is definitely too short IMO, maybe is could be "tssyntax" 
instead. Not sure what to do with the Extbase/Fluid book either.

Comments? Proposals?



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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