[TYPO3-doc] testing 1_do_the_work.py script - sxw2rst

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Fri Jun 29 11:13:47 CEST 2012

[Fabien Udriot] wrote & schrieb:

>I have tested the latest revision of "1_do_the_work.py"
>which transform manual.sxw to reST files. Actually, I get not output (and no error message either).
>Could you check the following commands:
>   cd /home/render/upload/fudriot/manual
>   python /home/render/Resources/Private/RestTools/RenderOfficialDocsFirsttime/1_do_the_work.py

Well, it does work. There was a litte problem with the path to the
res-dir not being relative to the script. I fixed that in the Git
repositoriy and in /home/render/.../1_do_the_work.py already. But that
affected only the very last steps.

The current shortcomings of that script are due to the fact that its
more or less a hack indented for one time use. So it isn't very
flexible. One thing you have to obey: the actual argument pointing to
the OO manual that you hand over as commandline parameter MUST end
with this string: 'Documentation/_not_versioned/_genesis/manual.sxw'.
The path can be absolute or relative TO THE SCRIPT.  I tried to
explain that in the usage the program spits out.

The script does no cleaning. Before running it again remove everything
except the 'manual.sxw'.

I just picked a random extension manual. If you as user 'render' run
this from anywhere you should get the following:

render at srv123:~$ python

repositoryname      : RenderDemoByMartin
finalsourcedir      : RenderDemoByMartin/Documentation
finalbuilddir       : RenderDemoByMartin/Documentation/_make/build
finalnotversioneddir: RenderDemoByMartin/Documentation/_not_versioned
destdir             :
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/manual.sxw
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/manual.html
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/manual-cleaned.html
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/manual-from-tidy.html
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/manual.rst
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/manual-empty-lines-normalized.rst
RenderDemoByMartin _genesis/temp
RenderDemoByMartin RenderDemoByMartin/Documentation
RenderDemoByMartin done.
render at srv123:~$

At least that's what I get :-)


>I have run them as different users (root, mbless, render). You will notice also I have changed the
>owner of the dir. Could you make an attempt with user "render" which I have added to www-default group?
>Thanks for your help

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