[TYPO3-doc] Converting OpenOffice documents

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Tue Sep 27 00:36:31 CEST 2011

@all designers: read on!

Hello François,

>What might help to do first is to create a sample manual in reST,

that's probably a very good idea and feels like the first natural
step. Though tired I couldn't resist and did already some collecting
of what has been said.

You find the result of my efforts here:

This is just a "quick 'n dirty" single folder solution to get me
going: http://mbless.de/4us/typo3-oo2rest/

Place these two lines in your .htaccess to get the directory listing
with filenames not being truncated:

   Options +Indexes
   IndexOptions FancyIndexing NameWidth=* IgnoreCase

If you like to have something simular you might like to pick up the
little generator script:

To see it in action click:

I'm very limited on that server but Python and the ``docutils`` are
present. The executable ``rst2html`` was missing. I therefore added it
to the folder:

@all designers:
Somebody out there who would like to do some modifications to the CSS
file to give us a bit more of TYPO3 feeling with the output?

This far for tonight ...

cu, Martin


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