[TYPO3-doc] see: rst2html script for trees

Martin Bless m.bless at gmx.de
Sat Oct 15 09:37:23 CEST 2011

Hi Philipp,

>At domainfactory I was able to install it via ssh (to a local folder).
>I just used 
>export PYTHONPATH="python2.6/site-packages/"
>$ easy_install --install-dir python2.6/site-packages/ Sphinx
>Of course the export should go to .bashrc ;)

Cool! Meanwhile I found this:

It basically says that Python >= 2.6 will automatically include
packages from - in this case:

This should mean that you only have to move your package and then you
don't have to export that path. I'm afraid PYTHONPATH isn't the right
name anyway as you might loose what already might be in it.

>If you want, I can offer you some webspace and a cronjob every half hour.
Thanks for the offer! I will first try to help myself and come back if

Martin Bless - http://mbless.de
Reliable TYPO3 freelancer living in Münster (Westf.), Germany
Let's work together: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXo6G5mfmro

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