[TYPO3-doc] Screenshot rules and guidelines for Official Documentation

Susanne Moog info at susannemoog.de
Wed Sep 1 14:09:41 CEST 2010

Hey everyone,

On 09.07.2010 15:40, François Suter wrote:
> Hi all,
> Now that we are several people to work on the Official Documentation, we
> need to have a set of rules and guidelines on how to produce
> screenshots. Here's a list of proposals, please comment.

I just reread the guidelines posts (and the circle with numbers post
some threads up) and wanted to state my "final" opinion.

I like the rules as they are now, however there are some things I want
to say:
- The whole circles with / without shadows thingy is not important to
me, shutter - my tool of choice - does not provide shadows, so I won't
use them. (I won't use GIMP for screenshots, I totally won't! ;)) And I
don't really think it's important. When we are working with many people
on one document we could agree to drop the shadows, but if someone
writes an individual manual he may use it if he likes.
- Nearly the same for the font. I think stating that we will use a
sans-serif font in a certain size should be enough. Whether that is
Arial, Bitstream or Nimbus should not matter. I mean, in the end: We are
talking about little numbers in circles in screenshots, not the most
important part of a documentation...

(This is the same problem I usually have with mission statements while
we are at it: In the end one discusses the most unimportant part for
weeks while forgetting to do the actual work ;))

[sorry, I'm not an abstract working girl ;)]


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