[TYPO3-doc] Short introduction

Oberndörfer, Markus Markus.Oberndoerfer at rossmann.de
Tue Apr 20 08:34:16 CEST 2010

Hallo everyone on this list, 

I don't know by now what would be the best process to become part of the documentation team and if there are some mysterious inauguration rituals, so I thougth that I would like to introduce myself and just ask in a quite naive way, what I might can do in this team.

My first contact with typo3 was in the year 2004 when I startet a website for a larger warehouse company in germany as a freelancer. My part was the project management and programming the HTML/CSS templates. Unfortunately I was left alone, when the TYPO3-programmer left the project team while the project was running. So I started to learn typoscript and all the stuff you need to build up a TYPO3 site in the evening hours and during the night. The project became a success. Since these days my hair turned grey. ;o)

Actually I am an employee of a larger drugstore company and my part is the administration of the new built TYPO3 site and the further development of the several website projects. So I am still interested in documentations with a professional quality. Actually a documentation for the solr extension. I don't know if this is scheduled at dkd or if Ingo Renner is already creating it, but that would be a task that is quite interesting for me because we will integrate the solr search in our website in the next months.

But that is just a first idea from my side. So there is only one stupid question left: What shall I do next?

Best regards

Markus Oberndörfer

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