[TYPO3-doc] TSref 4.3 update, some consideration

bernd wilke t3ng at pi-phi.tk
Fri Dec 18 14:49:15 CET 2009

Am Wed, 28 Oct 2009 21:14:44 +0100 schrieb Ernesto Baschny [cron IT]:

> Francois Suter schrieb:
>> Hi,
>>> In my opinion the updated documentation should point out in which
>>> version certain features were introduced. Meaning that we should mark
>>> the "introduced in 4.3" properties.

Yesterday I was in need of an 'old' 4.2-TSRef and wished this feature in 
the actual online-document. I had to dig in the web for an old version of 
TS-Ref as older version are not referenced on typo3.org so older version 
are still supported. :-(

>> Yes, that would be very useful. The main question is how to indicate
>> that at best, so that it's clear but doesn't bloat the documentation
>> too much. I'll think about, but any suggestions are welcome.
> Yes. Maybe we could get "rid" of all those property tables where you end
> up having very limited amount of space in each column to a more modern
> variant with clear sections per property and more space for examples
> etc.

IMHO we need a lot of more info to each property, which means the layout 
must be exchanged and not only expanded. 
with HTML I can imagine a lot of solutions (e.g. expandable/flyout parts 
(DHTML) or new pages for each property which is linked from overview). on 
these pages more examples  and maybe comments and discussions (like 
php.net) would be possible.
(And please: don't do it in a wiki. as there is only a usable navigation 
in wikis if all authors hang to very straight orders, which counteracts 
to the idea of a wiki)
> And before someone tells that "we are planning to do that with opendoc":
> this has been said for years now, and we still are on the openoffice +
> TER-rendering solution. So I think this has to be improved upon this
> platform instead of postponing good features to a hypotetical new
> platform which might never be really there.

I think the problem will be as long as different usages should be 
possible of one single document. I think the needs are different and 
therefore have different solutions (here: documents).
A printed/ printable version like PDF can not use the commenting of an 
online-version and it would be nice to have a compact version as 
reference. For proper using you need examples and different views to one 
subject, which can be done in comments.

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