[Typo3-doc] How to get started? Analyses of the steep learning curve

Matthew Manderson matthew at manderson.co.uk
Sun Nov 13 09:26:50 CET 2005

> But if you think that TV is a better thing to start with, feel free to
> write your own "getting started with TV" tutorial instead.

I have not used TV myself as the markers approach works very well for my

However, many people rave on the TV really works for them.

We should therefore show the flexible nature of TYPO3 in well written
'paths' showing multiple ways to approach the different problems of getting
a site implemented.

TYPO3 is a journey but there are many ways to approach each path depending
on your experience and project circumstance. So why not show all these
paths in parallel for the reader to decide. 

So far these seem to include:

1) Pure typoscript
2) html template with tags without autoparser
3) html template with tags with autoparser
4) html template with div id's etc and autoparser
5) TV

Any others?

This approach allows those with differing views of particular paths to
embrace a 'path' and help keep that part maintained for the benefit of the


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