[Typo3-doc] Wiki people: who's on board now?

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Mon Nov 7 17:13:47 CET 2005

Hi Virgil,
>>>Look at installation manuals for an example:
>>>We have 15 different pages/documents about installing and
>>>upgrading! It would not help much to make yet another one, would
>>>it? Unless you delete some of the already existing one, of course.
>>Let's start with that example, then. Virgil, you want to take a crack at
>>this one? :)
> Sure, why not :-) This weekend was a wash, I had other things going
> on, hopefully I can work on TYPO3 stuff this week.

May I /suggest/ the following?
* Put Installation and Upgrade into separate documents, since
people rarely do these things at the same time.
* Make a separate document or an appendix for the stuff that is
good to have, but normal not needed during a typical installation.
* Work at the wiki (but on a separate page, perhaps?), then
other people can help, add, correct and comment the work.
* Look at:

And if you want some ideas for the structure of the documents:


/Peter Kindström

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