[Typo3-doc] Wiki people: who's on board now?

Alex Heizer alex at tekdevelopment.com
Sun Nov 6 01:11:25 CET 2005

Hi Virgil,

virgil huston wrote:

>One idea that should be considered is assigning all the manuals to
>specific doc team members. All documentation in any professional
>project should be on a review cycle. Each doc team member would be
>responsible for a group of manuals and would review them any time a
>new release of TYPO3 came out, a new version of an extension (for
>extension manuals - and coordinate with extension author), and
>possibly on a periodic basis (like every six months or a year) if no
>other precipitating action occurs. In addition, we should have some
>kind of "change submission" process (like bug reports) from anyone
>that would be routed to the manual maintainer for review and possible
>incorporation. We need a system like this set up to keep the manuals
>always up to date and current.
This could help out with keeping the manuals maintained. I wonder how 
this could work with a "merge" team that just makes changes as needed to 
already-completed documentation, to keep reviewers and writers moving 
forward with cleaning up and creating new. Depending on frequency of 
updates and changes, that may or may not be important.

Also, maybe overlapping responsibilities. Someone (Greg, I think?) had 
suggested categorizing the extensions differently than the "Front End / 
Back End" or alphabetical way they currently are. Perhaps a team member 
could "watch over" a category or two or however many categories their 
documents are in. Then, if other documents in those categories have lost 
their maintainer, or are just getting behind in updates, those documents 
would have a backup maintainer.

Obviously, more room for specifics, but something we can work out if 
that would be a good system, document "ownership". :)


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