[Typo3-doc] Wiki people: who's on board now?

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Thu Nov 3 17:35:01 CET 2005

This have all been discussed before and we came to no clear
conclusion. Mostly it is up to the current active people in this
list / in the wiki to make what they want...  :-(
Unless something happens that makes the "top management" guys
interested in this.

But I can give you some feedback on old discussions mixed with
my own ideas:

* It all begun with the wiki as *a workspace* for documents and
the docTeam. We never solve the problem about how to manage
(versions etc) finished documents.

* The wiki has big advantages
 - it is easy to write there
 - it is easy to let many people contribute/work together

* And it has disadvantages
  - spam
  - hard to control
  - no download possibilities
  - maybe not so nice looking printout

* There have been plans to upgrade the MediaWiki version for a
long time now...

* There has to be some guidelines about working with / in the
wiki. Like how to use the Discussion tab, versioning etc
But I don´t thing these guideline will come from the "top
management" guys. Unless noone can persuade them...

* Instead of trying to get the grip of all the wiki and all the
documents on typo3.org, you should concentrate on a smaller
part. Make some sort of official documentation for Typo3.

* I think we also should concentrate on english documentation.
Otherwise the task will be HUGE...

* I have the feeling that the wiki was set up by some
enthusiasts without much contact with the Typo3 "top
management". Therefor I feel the "top management" has always
seen the wiki as some sort of playground.  :-(

* My idea was to "integrate" the wiki and typo3.org
documentation pages in some way. First by having the same
structure and second by starting to link between them.

* I don´t think TIMTAW is ready to replace the wiki yet. There
are some usability issues left. It has to be as easy as a wiki
to be useful!

* Good documentation is important for users. And we have a lot
of it! It "just" has to be organised (both inside/between
documents and as a whole) and managed in a good way.
(Example: You find information about how to enable the admin
panel in three different documents - all have a little bit
different information!)

* Don´t abandon the wiki until you have a replacement that is
proven to be as good as, or better, than the existing wiki !!!

My 2 cents!

/Peter Kindström

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