[Typo3-doc] Updating the Getting Started documentation

Charlie Dale charlie at aphid.net
Thu Nov 3 05:37:58 CET 2005

G'day Kasper,

QUICK: How do I submit changes to the Getting Started documentation?

LONG: I have been attempting to get involved in improving the documentation
of TYPO3. I have read all through the Wiki, the teams & projects pages to do
with documentation, and the typo3-dev and typo3-project-documentation
mailing list archives.

However my main itch at the moment is to improve the (already great!)
Getting Started document, with some fixed grammar and updated screenshots.
And the only way I can see to do that is to contact you, as the owner of the
Getting Started document, and ask how I can submit changes to you.

I have the Getting Started document in OpenOffice ready to edit. Can I edit
it with track changes on then send the updated document to you? Do other
people have access to modify your files on typo3.org, so I can ask them? Or
do I just write down page numbers and recommended changes and send them

I honestly can't see anywhere the process for how to recommend/make changes
to the typo3.org docs. If I've missed something please let me know.

Kind regards,

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