[Typo3-documentation] Stylesheeet - gave up ;)

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Sat Jul 24 17:50:06 CEST 2004

Ooops, I realised that we have 4 different skins to take care 
of. I have just talked about the MonoBook skin!

>> > Still no nice headers - try adding my suggeste CSS
>> Headers look ok now, I think.
> Which version? the one you suggested? i like the default values better 
> than your header styles.

I want headers that looks like in a newspaper - space above, but 
(nearly) no space under. That is more readable, since you get 
more consistend paragraphs and more distict spaces between them.

The Standard skin is already done like that! And the Cologna 
Blue is almost done like that so it is just MonoBooks that need 
this header adjustment!

>> I still think there are too many colors, especially when borders, main 
>> background, menu background and links all use different colors.
> Basically there should be 3 colors: 333333 for font (contents), orange 
> for borders and grey-blue for links - 3 colors isnt that much is it?

It is too much. Most design tips suggest one or maybe two colors 
in addition to black, grey and white. Of course there are 
exceptions, but mostly this concept is an easy way of getting 
nice looking web pages.

With your suggested CSS I get 4 colors, at least in my browser: 
Body, borders, links and menu background...

> Also i would like to keep it at least a little close to typo3.org so 
> people recognize it, right now it uses the colors of the typo3 logo.

Hmmm, IMHO is the old MonoBook look more like typo3.org! If we 
just changes the menu background color to that used on typo3.org 

> but anyway, since the font is crisp its much better then the style 
> before ;) Put it online! :)

In your CSS the icons after links in MonoBook are missing and 
the links in the footer are the same as the footer background... 
so they are invisible!

And your CSS "mess up" the other skins by adding too much space 
to the left of the content.


/Peter Kindström, DocTEAM

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