[Typo3-documentation] wiki2PDF already working there...

Karsten Dambekalns k.dambekalns at fishfarm.de
Wed Jul 21 15:44:10 CEST 2004


On 2004-07-21, Ingmar Schlecht <ingmars at web.de> wrote:
> Karsten Dambekalns wrote:
>> Jean-Marie Schweizer wrote:
>>>We don't need PDF for online reading since that is what the Wiki is for. 
>>>PDF is for offline reading, downloading and printing.
>> Ok, so we switch to using the wiki completely (in the long run)?
> How do you conclude that from the text you quoted from Jean-Marie's mail?

Well, I read it like this:
 1. PDF for printing
 2. wiki for writing/reading

If the wiki was 'only' for writing, and finished docs would be
transformed to OOo, it would look like this:
 1. PDF/OOo for printing
 2. wiki for writing
 3. OOo on typo3.org for reading

But having two places to go for reading the docs should be avoided, at
least on the long run (of course it doesn't make too much sense to
dump the existing docs, links from the wiki are just fine).

Thus, to avoid confusion, it would be good (and will probably
gradually happen) if all ext docs are in the wiki, and none in
OOo. That's how I read this, and having *one* place to go for docs is
a must, IMHO.

I'm not sure I explained that very well, but I hope you understand it

>> Then we need cleanly defined ways to link extension repository and
>> wiki at some point in the future.
> Yes, the thread "[Typo3-documentation] Extension Documentation" is 
> already discussing how linking should be.

Well, not only *one* link, but multiple. I really like the way the
structure of the documentation can be seen in the ext repository and
the doc matrix right now. But I think this is something we might need
to drop then. Well, rather more documentation, than having one more
overview table :)


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