[Typo3-documentation] Help or Advertising?

E. Veelo eveelo at artcenter.edu
Sat Jul 10 11:41:14 CEST 2004

I think as long as you make clear (in a disclaimer for instance) what 
your purpose is for listing these hosts, I think it can be valuable 
information for a lot of people without being misinterpreted.
I would just consider it the effects of an open market, good service 
gets known by word of mouth.

If you put some guidelines on how to screen a host that is not listed 
I think it becomes even more valuable and less advertising while at 
the same time it sets a standard for new hosts that people want to 

Just my Euro 0,02.

>A recent post in the English list made me create an article about 
>Hosting -> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Hosting
>This is a start for smaller articles that are based on 
>posts/questions that frequently apear in the typo3 lists.
>One question specific around the Hosting issue is raised. Help or 
>Advertising? Looking at the questions it is often asked where one 
>could find a hoster that can do this or that or cost nothing or the 
>most that etc.
>If we provide links to possible Providers it could be considered as 
>advertising. If we don't provide it people will post in the ML/NG 
>again and the purpose is defeated.
>Any thoughts?
>Typo3-project-documentation mailing list
>Typo3-project-documentation at lists.netfielders.de

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