[Typo3-documentation] Help or Advertising?

Justin Kramp typo3 at ideate.net
Sat Jul 10 06:33:29 CEST 2004

Good question to raise.  Personally, I responded to a question on the 
list as to hosting options for typo3, and gave feedback regarding my 
experience with one particular host.  My response was then added to the 
Wiki...(by someone else).

In the t.english list, as you noted, as did Alex, this type of response 
could be construed as advertising or at least endorsement, and I would 
agree with the sentiment that the naming of specific hosts on the Wiki 
probably is not the best policy; as doing so at least alludes to an 
endorsement by the typo3 community, if not by the developer(s) (i.e. 
Kasper et. al.) themselves.

However, as you said, it seems to be a question raised repeatedly, and 
will continue to be, as individuals look for a new/transfer/compatible 
host.  Of course, simply perusing the server requirements and doing some 
basic homework, or asking questions of a potential host would do the 
same, but not all users have that level of familiarity with 
PHP/mySQL/server/etc requirements.

A much larger task would be to construct a matrix of hosts that are at 
least *compatible* with typo3 (installable?), so as to not single out 
particular hosting companies.  I dunno.  There should be a middle ground 
somewhere, so that this experienced community can share their knowledge 
about hosting and setup with those just getting started.

In any case, I apologize for not being a little more tactful regarding 
my response to the list.  I didn't intend to promote the particular host 
I am using currently - but I myself am always in the market to find a 
better service and good pricing, and as I don't have much to contribute 
about typo3 itself until I spend tons more time with it...thought I'd 
chip in something related.


Jean-Marie Schweizer wrote:

> A recent post in the English list made me create an article about 
> Hosting -> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Hosting
> This is a start for smaller articles that are based on posts/questions 
> that frequently apear in the typo3 lists.
> One question specific around the Hosting issue is raised. Help or 
> Advertising? Looking at the questions it is often asked where one could 
> find a hoster that can do this or that or cost nothing or the most that 
> etc.
> If we provide links to possible Providers it could be considered as 
> advertising. If we don't provide it people will post in the ML/NG again 
> and the purpose is defeated.
> Any thoughts?
> Jean-Marie

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