[Typo3-documentation] Help or Advertising?

Jean-Marie Schweizer jms at marktauftritte.ch
Fri Jul 9 23:28:45 CEST 2004

A recent post in the English list made me create an article about 
Hosting -> http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Hosting

This is a start for smaller articles that are based on posts/questions 
that frequently apear in the typo3 lists.

One question specific around the Hosting issue is raised. Help or 
Advertising? Looking at the questions it is often asked where one could 
find a hoster that can do this or that or cost nothing or the most that etc.

If we provide links to possible Providers it could be considered as 
advertising. If we don't provide it people will post in the ML/NG again 
and the purpose is defeated.

Any thoughts?


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