[Typo3-documentation]Different documentation structure suggestion

E. Veelo eveelo at artcenter.edu
Mon Jul 5 20:48:33 CEST 2004


I am a newcomer to Typo3 and am reading my way through the available 
documentation. And, although there is an extensive amount of 
documentation available, I still can't quite find what I am looking 
for. Since I might not be the only one at that, I thought I'd discuss 
it here, if you don't mind?

Before I explain what I'm looking for, let me explain where I'm coming from:
I am a full time web designer, or Art Director as I'm called on the 
job  (@agency.com), so I basically breath Photoshop. I do so for 
about ten years now and along the way I've made myself familiar with 
HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP and MySQL (which comes in handy as I can 
design already knowing how it should be build, and in private 
undertakings actually building the site myself). So I have a good 
starting knowledge of the technical part of site building. And I've 
build dynamic websites myself, not with a particular Universal CMS 
like Typo3, but basically building a custom application for each 
situation. So I have a certain pattern of thinking of how I build 
fixed content and dynamic content, how to include this and compute 
that. I'm used to build my templates directly in PHP.

What am I looking for:
Now I want to make the switch to Typo3, but I can't find something 
that tells me how I do in Typo3 what I used to do in PHP. Something 
that tells me: this is what a template file is made up of; if you 
have a page ready in HTML, this is how you turn it into a template; 
this is how you include dynamic content; this is how you build a menu 
template and include it in the master template; this is how you 
create variables, store them in sessions, and act upon them; etc. 
Like a quick-start guide for insiders. Much less a step by step 
manual where you explain the template concept while at the same time 
explaining Typo3.

In short:
I'd like to have a Typo3 user manual or functional reference in which 
I can quickly look up things like 'create new page' or 'add column to 
template' or 'change user rights'. And a template reference, giving 
the concept basics, and explaining simple and to the point 'if you 
are looking to do this, do it that way' etc.

Does this make sense? Took me a while explaining and I'm still not 
sure if my point is clear. I hope you get what I mean... And maybe 
this documentation does already exist, in that case, excuse my 
ignorance and please point it out to me.

Greetings from the Netherlands,
Edwin Veelo

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