[Typo3-doc] question about the glossary

Peter Kindström peter.kindstrom at abc.se
Sun Dec 5 15:49:07 CET 2004

Hi Mark,
>>Your page is still there, so if you don´t like my suggestion, we
>>could just put your link back again (but the one to the glossary
>>extension should remain). Ok?
> Go for it.  I really don't mind if people edit my work here.  I'm
> not sure how to delete the 'Glossary:extract_definitions' page.

I don´t think you can...? This is a task for a few 
administrators (Johannes Reichardt?). Maybe Sylvain know how to 
do this?

>>About extracting definitions:
>>I don´t think it matters much if we do the extracting from the
>>database or the wiki page (saved as a text file).
> Yes.  I'm not sure at this point which would be the best way.

I took a quick look at the wiki table definition and to me it 
looks like all the text on a wiki page is stored in one field. 
And my guess is that it is saved the same way as it looks when 
you edit a wiki page...?

If that is true, you don´t get much benefit from extracting 
directly from the database. But I may be wrong!

>>The main problems - as I see it - is how to:
>>  1. handle "syntax errors" in the text
> Perhaps it would be possible to write a syntax error
> correction script.  This is a good reason to know how
> to query the wiki database.

See above. But of course some syntax correction (the most common 
ones) should be done by a script.
(Personally I think this kind of programming is the most boring 
one...  :-( )

> I do wish there was one other field which says what areas of knowledge
> the definition belongs to: typoscript, backend, php classes and files,
> or general typo3, or general web knowledge.

There are!
I have the original glossary database installed (don´t remember 
where I got it from - Ingmar?) and it consists of four different 

And the tx_glossary_cat table has six categories defined:
   TypoScript and Templates
   Web technologies etc
   TYPO3 Concepts

I haven´t got any explanation on how to use all tables and 
fields in the glossary DB. I mean, how do I use "cruser_id", 
"audience" or "whole_word_detect"? Or what is the differens 
between "aliases" and "other_matching_terms" or "related_terms"?

I have so many questions, by noone to ask! There *must* be 
someone out there who made this database and knows the answers 
or at least can tell what he/she thougt when adding the field! 
But that person does not seem to be interested in participating 
in this work - and not even interested in making him/herself 
known!  ;-)

So I made my DB->wiki script *very* simple and keep on guessing!

> It might be simpler not to try and edit or
> approve Glossary entries in the Glossary extension or
> the in the script used to import the defs from the wiki.

Of course, but then you have to manually compare what is in the 
database with what is in the wiki page. Word by word!
Because you don´t want to overwrite a correct explanation in the 
DB with a faulty one from the wiki!

> If we classified the defs with a keyword and protected
> the finished ones we might be able to, for example,
> have the script extract only  the protected ones concerning
> general typo3 knowledge.

As far as I know, you can only protect whole pages at the 
wiki...? Then we have a problem with protecting *only* finished 
And what about if someone has an *even better* explanation for a 
finished explanation? If it is protected we probably never will 
see it, because people think it is too complicated to update a 
protected word.

Sorry for being a little pessimistic. :-(
But I think we should realise that this is not *that* simple - 
if we want to do it right/useful once and for all.


/Peter Kindström

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