[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.2.0 release

Dan Osipov dosipov at phillyburbs.com
Thu Jan 27 02:44:08 CET 2011

The DAM Development Team is proud to announce the availability of DAM 
1.2.0, dam_catedit 1.2.0, dam_index 1.2.0, and dam_ttcontent 1.2.0.

This is a major feature release that finally culminates a version that's 
been in development for a long time. For a complete list of changes in 
each extensions, please refer to the Changelog.

These versions depend on freshly released 4.5.0. If you're using an 
older version of TYPO3 Core, you can still use 1.1 branch of the 
extensions (1.1.8 version of DAM was released yesterday, and is the 
latest stable release of that branch).

Important: If you're upgrading the extensions you have installed, make 
sure to update extension configuration for DAM and dam_ttcontent 
following the upgrade.

Thanks to all who have been involved to make this happen! Keep on DAMming!
Dan Osipov

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