[TYPO3-dam] move folders?

Jonas Dübi jd at cabag.ch
Thu Jun 3 11:19:37 CEST 2010


That is really sad for DAM!

Try t3filelist for the regular typo3 filelist, it allows you to search 
files and changes links if you move or remane folders and files...

It does not support categories or meta data, but it's much faster and 
easier than DAM!

Best regards,

stefano cecere schrieb:
> DAM 1.1 has possibility to move files.. but not folders.
> right? could anybody do it?
> or is it disabled because DAM should then be instructed to update all 
> folder's content and it's not as easy as managing single files?
> (right now i use the good old Quixplorer for deep file operations...)
> stefano

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