[TYPO3-dam] does DAM supports hierarchical categories?

Ivano Luberti luberti at archicoop.it
Thu Jun 3 10:40:28 CEST 2010

Hello, as mentioned in a message just sent to the list, we have been
able to make work automatical categories building from directory tree.
But we have now noticed that DAM seem to not take into consideration the
hierarchy described by the tree. More generally if we define a set of
categories organized in hierarchy (it doesn't matter if the hierarchy is
built by DAM indexer or using the DAM user interface).

So if we have such a category tree


The two categories named baseball are distinct and a file can belong to
the first one and not to belong to the the second one.
But when I assign a document to the category news->baseball, DAM does
not apply to the document the news category.
And this is of course reflected in the frontend search.

Is this the intended behaviour ?
If yes, what is thene the benefit to organize categories in a tree?

dott. Ivano Mario Luberti
Archimede Informatica societa' cooperativa a r. l.
Sede Operativa
Via Gereschi 36 - 56126- Pisa
tel.: +39-050- 580959
tel/fax: +39-050-9711344
web: www.archicoop.it

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