[TYPO3-dam] Some questions regarding accessrights

Markus Bucher - BetterNet m.bucher at betternet.de
Tue Oct 7 17:36:03 CEST 2008

Hi there,

in my recent project I came across a couple of questions regarding DAM. 
Here they are ;-)

- Is it possible to assign start- and stopdates not only to dam-items 
but also to categories or selections? What would be needed to achieve 
this behavior?

- Furtermore, is it possible to prevent the display of an item if it 
isn't assigned to any category at all?

- How can I prevent users from pointing directly to the fileadmin-folder 
to access media uploaded there without using dam_frontend? Will dam work 
if I insert a htaccess-rule that denies the access for the folder 
including the 'secured' media? Did anyone experience problems with this 

- What exactly is to do to use the feature that allows to give 
readonly-permissions to backenduser(groups)? I installed the latest 
trunk from svn (1.1.0-dev) and it seemed to work. Assigned Categories 
are visible and deliver no data: "The current selection doesn't give a 
result. No records found." Only when I give 'normal' filemounts to the 
user the categories are filled with data but then with write-permissions.
How exactly can I give these read-only-permissions? Should it be 
sufficiant to choose them in "DAM Mounts"? What typoscript is needed?

Thank you for your help.

markus bucher

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