[TYPO3-dam] Fwd: Re: DAM / templavoila / FCE

Peter Kuehn [wmdb] peter.kuehn at wmdb.de
Mon Nov 17 10:24:39 CET 2008

sh*t - i didnt even think about that.
THNX for your hint - throwing me back to "halfway gone" ;)
ill take a look at it asap.

Christian Welzel schrieb:
> Peter Kuehn [wmdb] schrieb:
>> unlike christian i think there is sort of an identifier - the so 
>> called "structure path" - compiled in TCEmain, but its not 
>> consistently passed around through all methods storing and fetching data.
> i wrote, there was no identifier at the time i did the extension...
> the other problem is: what are the information contained in the structure
> path? and how does they reflect changes in order of elements?
> What i mean: i create two FCE A and B in a section container, then i 
> change the
> order to B and A... if your structure path only holds the position in the
> xml structure, all dam elements would now be assigned to the wrong 
> element...
> so the question is: is the structure path truly an identifier for an 
> element,
> or is it only a description of the position of an element in the xml 
> structure?

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