[TYPO3-dam] [TYPO3-dam-devel] DAM, slow queries and DBAL (moved from team.dam)

Mathias Schreiber [TYPO3] mathias at typo3.org
Tue Nov 4 09:59:53 CET 2008

Uschi Renziehausen schrieb:
> Hello Mattes and the rest
> I am more or less sure that we will need another 4 weeks from now on for
> a) writing the docs (which causes a lot of headaches)
> b) fixing some issues that we then will be able to document or even do 
> not need to document anymore, because they are obvious.
> So I would appreciate a cleanup of the sql-mess very much :-)
> Prosit, Uschi

Hi ben 'n Uschi,

the good thing for you is that our patches change nothing 
documentation-wise, it just makes selection possible ;-)

Thank you for news on the doc-front, Peter and I will discuss further steps.

all the best

Rocking TYPO3 since 3.1b1

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